NRC: denouement

What astronomers do in their spare time...


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Preparing blog posts for Tet Zoo takes hours, sometimes days or even weeks. It's done in "spare time". Putting crap on facebook takes minutes and can be done during the course of a normal work day. Some of the stuff is soooo hilarious it deserves to be shared... Francisco Gascó (aka Paco) knocked…
It was at the gathering, and all the astronomers were there, drinking coffee among the posters, hearing the NSF in despair... I am at my almost regular pilgrimage to the Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, where I hope to do some semi-liveblogging of developments and science news…
Amateur astronomers unite! The pros want your help! image from Astronomy Picture of the Day, Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Aloisi (STScI / ESA), Hubble Heritage (STScI / AURA) - ESA/Hubble Collaboration I learned about this from the Washington Science Teachers Assocation. Galaxy Zoo and the Sloan…
The current way we fund astronomy research in this country is horribly flawed. There must be a better way. Let me suggest one that I believe that we should consider. Now, yes, you are all going to be cynical and say, "Rob thinks it's flawed because he's had trouble getting funding, and the main…