NASA Astrobiology Roadmap 2 and 3: Prebiotic Evolution and Evolution of Advanced Life

The future of Astrobiology research within NASA is being set now.
Next week there are further opportunities for community input.
The online discussion for Solar System Exploration wraps up today!

If you are an active researcher, a student planning on getting into astrobiology, or an interested member of the community, this is your chance to provide input on the direction of research.
This is your future.
Be there, or we will choose for you.

The NASA Astrobiology Roadmap exercise is under way, and will continue over the next two weeks.

NASA Astrobiology

The next two topics will kick off with webinars on Monday 13th of May.

Prebiotic Evolution - 1-2 pm EST

Evolution of Advanced Life - 3-4 pm EST

The webinars are run as free flow discussions with people calling in for comments and questions. A panel of researchers provides points for discussion and keeps the conversation going.

After the webinars, the panel curates a one week open online discussion for people to provide input, suggestions and questions.
The format will be similar to that for Solar System Exploration.

The Roadmap input period culminates the week of May 20th with sessions on Early Evolution of Life and the Biosphere and Planetary Conditions for Life.

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