Busy Bee

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In which we review yet another good year of blogging, including the establishment of some ongoing series. And also a useful reality check. ------------ This great blog re-read project has been useful for a couple of reasons. First, it's reminded me that there have been long stretches of time when I…
“Weightlessness was unbelievable. It's physical euphoria: Nothing about you has any weight. You don't realize that you are weighed down all the time by yourself, and your organs, and your head. Your arms weigh down your shoulders. In space simulation, you get to fly like Superman! You're hanging in…
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught." -Oscar Wilde As many of you know, last weekend I launched a suggestion box here on the site, and I've been overwhelmed by the response: about fifty of you have sent something in…
Last week's Seven Essential Elements of Quantum Physics post sparked a fair bit of discussion, though most of it was at the expert level, well above the level of the intended audience. such is life in the physics blogosphere. I think it's worth a little time to unpack some of the disagreement,…

Yes, Bee has an awesome blog, I try to keep up with it but she is a very prolific writer! As I posted on her blog a long time ago, she should compile here blog writings into a book, I'd buy it for sure.

By Supernaut (not verified) on 04 Feb 2015 #permalink