DonorsChoose - last 12 hours!

Go here to see what the best strategy is for maximizing the impact. We have raised $14,913.09. SEED is adding $10,000. And DonorsChoose will add 10% for each blogger's completed challenge, so click on that link to see whose challenges are the easiest to finish.

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ScienceBlogs readers have raised $14,913.09 to help science teachers get the materials they need for engaging explorations of magnets, marine biology, electricity, and evolution. You've helped fund classroom equipment and field trips. You've helped stack the deck toward a future where fewer…
It's been two weeks since we kicked off our first ever ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose drive to raise money for math and science classrooms. In that time, 172 generous readers have donated a total of $13,685.14 and SEED has kicked in $10,000. But there are three days left of the drive, and I know you…
Less than a week to go in our DonorsChoose drive! Good news from the Seed Overlords: Though we're already well into the campaign, ScienceBlogs has finally gotten a Double Your Impact donation set up with DonorsChoose for the Blogger Challenge; this means that $15,000 of Seed money will be…
Edited to add: we've reached our goal! Thank you so much to all who participated; if others would still like to donate, Janet has a list of other blogger challenges--and remember that every completed challenge gets a 10% completion bonus from DonorsChoose, stretching your donation farther.…