A bad day for blogs

Owner of the very popular French blog, La Petite Anglaise got Dooced:

She kept her popular blog anonymous, never revealing her full name or workplace. But despite her attempts at secrecy, her employer found out and fired her -- unusual in labor-protected France, where workers have strong legal protections.

It does not matter that nobody has any idea what he name of the company is or even in what city it is located. If you blog, you are automatically suspect and can be fired. We'll see what the French courts think about this. Liberte, ....

On the same day, in the same newspaper, David Broder had to take a dig at bloggers as well:

"Frank began by separating himself from the strident voices on the left -- frequent in the world of blogging -- that accuse Bush of subverting American democracy. "Some of the words that get thrown around, authoritarianism and worse, should not be used lightly," Frank said. "This remains, in the sixth year of the Bush presidency, a very free country."

"Very free country" compared to what? The Iraqi "democracy"? And then Broder goes on to list a bunch of instances of .....BushCo authoritarianism! But bloggers are just hordes of wild-eyed barbarians. We'll see what he says when the White House finds something in Broder's writing they do not like and turn against him. Will he then think we're so free. It is easy to be deluded while schmoozing with the politicos at cocktail parties...


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