Science News in brief

Researchers Identify Very First Neurons In The 'Thinking' Brain:

Researchers at Yale School of Medicine and the University of Oxford have identified the very first neurons in what develops into the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that makes humans human. The findings published in Nature Neuroscience show that the first neurons, or "predecessors," as the researchers called them, are in place 31 days after fertilization. This is much earlier than previously thought and well before development of arms, legs or eyes.

"Thinking brain" and "what makes human human" are journalistic phrases that always raise red flags. The actual study is likey not to be as revolutionary as implied by such phrases. Though, this one appears interesting enough. I am afraid the anti-choice crowd will try to run with it....

Nicotine Promotes Growth Of Tumors Already Established By Tobacco Carcinogens:

While it is established that nicotine by itself is not carcinogenic, researchers have now shown that nicotine promotes cell proliferation and the progression of tumors already initiated by tobacco carcinogens. In a study by Srikumar Chellappan and colleagues from the University of South Florida appearing online on July 20 in advance of print publication in the August issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, the authors show that the presence of receptors that bind nicotine, known as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), on bronchial cells as well as lung cancer cells are key to nicotine-induced cell proliferation of lung cancer cells.

Take-home message - gotta quite the patch and Nicorette gum!

Feeling Sleepy? Don't Have A High Sugar, Low Caffeine Drink -- It Could Make Things Worse

An hour after consuming a high sugar, low caffeine drink you will tend to have slower reactions and experience more lapses in concentration than if you had simply drunk a decaffeinated, nil carbohydrate drink.

In other words: what goes up must come down. Who has not expereinced a caffeine low after the caffeine high? That is why I never drink a big coffee before exams and such, but continuously sip on Coke instead.

Wild Bees And The Flowers They Pollinate Are Disappearing Together

The diversity of bees and of the flowers they pollinate, has declined significantly in Britain and the Netherlands over the last 25 years according to research led by the University of Leeds and published in Science this Friday (21 July 2006). The paper is the first evidence of a widespread decline in bee diversity.

As expected, those who co-evolve together, die together.

Understanding The 'Machinery' Of Smell

The protein olfactory cell adhesion molecule (OCAM) was long thought to be involved in the growth and targeting of axons to the olfactory bulb. This study reports that the protein is more important for coordinating neural connections within the glomeruli.
Although mice bred without OCAM have a better sense of smell and could detect a very low concentration of an odor, "we theorize that they may not be able to discriminate between odors," Greer said.

This is cool (sorry, there are so many people in my school studying olfaction I cannot help but follow the field, want it or not).

I bet some of my SiBlings will follow up with more details looks of some of these studies after the weekend slump.

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