Happy Blogiversary to....

KIm, the nursing goddess of Emergiblog. Go say Hi!


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Kim, an emergency room and critical care nurse and the author of Emergiblog, has published the latest edition of Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 24 (week 76), for all to enjoy. Grand Rounds is a weekly blog carnival that compiles the best medical writing in the blogosphere. This issue is fabulous. It is…
A brand-spanking-new blog carnival, Change of Shift, is up at Emergiblog. Focusing on nursing issues, as Kim does so beautifully, the carnival's aim is to provide broad insights on nursing as a profession, akin to Grand Rounds. (Note to Mom: Kim and I have corresponded about your nursing career…
The very first edition of Change Of Shift, the new carnival of nursing is up on the wonderful Kim's Emergiblog.
As PharmMom is a retired nurse and some of my favorite health sciences students have been nurses, it is always my pleasure to promote Kim at Emergiblog. It's always worth a trip over if for nothing other than her vintage nursing and pharmaceutical advertisements. The second issue of her newly-…

oh YOU'RE bora!!! of course the anacronym made sense as soon as i landed back here. i went to emerg blog , as if by order, and wished her congrats. felt like someone dropping into a party from off the street, it was fun :)