
Hello to my 90,000th visitor, who came in from the Culture Wars Channel, and is good at hiding wher s/he is coming from except that it is North America. Still on here right now? Say something in the comments.

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The kerfuffle over the Bayblab incident has produced no end of discussion here and elsewhere. Hilariously, this included a lengthy discussion of why they see ScienceBlogs as cliquish, conducted entirely in the private back-channel forum that nobody else can read. Irony: it's like gold-y and bronze-…
My grandfather, while serving as secretary (or possibly president, my history here is ambiguous) of New York Typographer's Local 1, traveled to Washington to protest against the Taft-Hartley Act. While there, he gave a speak that called out the House Committee on Un-American Activities and one…
A claim is being made, in a recent issue of Nature Magazine, that humans were active in the vicinity of San Diego well over 100,000 years before archaeologists think humans were even in the New World. Most commentary on this claim dismisses it out of hand, but out of hand rejections are no better…