Bloggers Struggle With What to Do About Vacation

It does not really apply to everyone, but mostly to A-list political/news bloggers:

No Day at the Beach

I am an obsesssive/compulsive blogger. But on those rare occasions that I get to go out of town for a few days, I decide to enjoy myself in a computer-free zone. Let the traffic drop. It's summer and the traffic is in the doldrums anyway. And here on SB, I can even schedule a few posts (or re-posts of old stuff) in advance to keep the blog running if I want to. Traffic will come back up once I'm back, but I also need some rest and restoration of sanity every now and then. I am not planning a vacation any time soon, but when I do, I'll just let the blog sit and it will be just fine.

(Hat-tip: Ed)


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