More on cannibalism in mantises

If you are interested in the pros and cons of cannibalism in praying mantises, you should check out the latest Carl's post and article on the topic.

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I'm not nearly as worried about getting my head bitten off by a predatory female as the editors of the New York Times seem to be.

The science in Carl's Times article was interesting from the perspective of evolutionary biology and to this lay reader the evidence seemed persuasive that Gould overstated his case. Still, I'm not too happy with the sensationalistic way the Times played it. As I noted in the post below, this kind of "nature red in tooth and claw" journalism has a history -- and consequences.

And what do you think about the photos, Bora? Don't mantids have blood? Lovely pictures, but that's a pretty spotless white seamless background...

Hyper-castrating female insects: New York Times, what's your problem? You're creeping me out. Why?