The Homunculus

Amanda makes a correct connection between preformationism of old and the anti-abortion ideology of today. The only thing missing is the connection of both to Dawkinsian genocentrism which is just preformationism with modern rhetoric of DNA and genes and "blueprints of life". The history of the war between epigenetics and preformationism and, within preformationism, between spermists and ovists is masterfully covered in Clara Pinto-Corriea's book Ovary of Eve.

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I am a indian scholar, interested in the ancient theory of Preformation. I do have some experimental ideas to prove the scientific correctness of the preformation theory. I believe that the Pinto-Corriea's book Ovary of Eve will be of much help for my experiments. I tried to obtain a copy of the book in india, but i couldn't. If someone could help me to get a copy of the book, I'd be much thankful.


Vellore, india.