There is a reason Bush is not running on economy...

I heard this on NPR and now it is available online on USA has slipped from 1st to 6th place in the World Economic Forum's annual rankings.

As I have predicted immediately after the 2004 election, US is not going to survive another 4 years of Bush and retain primacy in anything - economy, scientific/technological leadership, military might, or moral high ground. Moral high ground is hard to quantify but do you really believe we are still Number One, the Shining Light, Beacon of Democracy, etc.? Military might - you decide. Now, economy is officially gone. Science/technology is next.


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The country's overall competitiveness was also undermined by increasing doubts about the effectiveness and trustworthiness of its political leaders with the government's delayed reaction to Hurricane Katrina likely damaging the public's confidence, the forum said. Weaknesses were also detected in primary education and healthcare, with infant mortality and HIV/AIDS more prevalent than in other rich economies.

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The country's overall competitiveness was also undermined by increasing doubts about the effectiveness and trustworthiness of its political leaders with the government's delayed reaction to Hurricane Katrina likely damaging the public's confidence, the forum said. Weaknesses were also detected in primary education and healthcare, with infant mortality and HIV/AIDS more prevalent than in other rich economies.

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