Mark Warner...

...will not run for President in 2008.


More like this not going to run for President in 2008. A fine man. I am sure he will keep fighting in the Senate for what is good and what is right for the American people.
Al Gore is looking awfully good right now. Josh Marshall thinks he has a shot at the presidency; Blog of the Moderate Left has an interesting ranking of potential candidates, and while he puts Gore at #5, he says this: Last time around, I said, "I just don't see Al running, and I really don't see…
Sarah Palin is utterly batshit. Look, I can see not running for reelection: she wants to run for president in 2012. That alone is pretty dumb, since she was less popular than John McCain, and McCain/Palin couldn't beat Obama in 2008. In 2012, all signs suggest we'll have national health insurance…
Kirk Ross in this week's 'Carrboro Citizen': Jim Neal, a key Democratic Party fundraiser, is on the verge of announcing a run for U.S. Senate, sources close to Neal say. Neal, a native of Greensboro who now lives in Chapel Hill, will head to Asheville this weekend for the Vance-Aycock Dinner, a…