My picks from ScienceDaily

Effects Of New Sleep Medication Appear Unlikely To Have Potential For Abuse Or Cognitive Impairment:

In a study of 14 adults with histories of sedative abuse, the newly approved sleep medication ramelteon does not appear to have effects that indicate potential for abuse or motor or cognitive impairment, according to a report in the October issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Mathematics Provides Answer To Airport Security Puzzle:

High flyers will enjoy faster and safer travel in the future, thanks to mathematicians at the University of Manchester and airport security specialists Rapiscan Systems.

Women Infected With Toxoplasmosis Are More Likely To Have Boys Than Girls:

Women infected with dormant toxoplasmosis are more likely to give birth to boys than women who are Toxoplasma negative, according to research published in Springer's journal Naturwissenschaften this week. S. Kankova and colleagues from Charles University in the Czech Republic found that the presence of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in the mothers' blood increased the likelihood that these women would give birth to a boy.

Internet Of Long-term Benefit For Depression:

Mental health researchers at the Australian National University have found that brief Internet-based interventions for depression are not only immediately effective, but have a significant positive long-term benefit that may be as effective as active psychotherapies.

Astronomers First To Measure Night And Day On Extrasolar Planet:

University of Central Florida Astronomy professor Joseph Harrington and University of California at Los Angeles professor Brad M. Hansen and their team have made the first direct observation of distinct day and night temperatures on a planet orbiting another star. UCF Professor Joseph Harrington says that studying planetary atmospheres under such exotic conditions puts terrestrial and solar-system meteorology into a universal context, which aids in our understanding of weather on all planets.

Was it summer or winter, and what was the duration of the day and what was the photoperiod/thermoperiod?

Early Family Experience Can Reverse The Effects Of Genes, Psychologists Report:

Early family experience can reverse the effect of a genetic variant linked to depression, UCLA researchers report in the current issue of the journal Biological Psychiatry.

As for the title...what's new?

Rising Ocean Temperatures, Pollution Have Oysters In Hot Water:

Oysters exposed to high water temperatures and a common heavy metal are unable to obtain sufficient oxygen and convert it to cellular energy, according to a new study presented at the American Physiological Society conference, "Comparative Physiology 2006." The study showed how cadmium reduces the oyster's tolerance of warmer water temperatures and makes it more vulnerable during the summer when water temperatures rise.

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