Genetics blogging of the week

Mendel's Garden #8: Harvest Edition is up on Discoverying Biology in a Digital World.

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Mendel's Garden is the original blog carnival devoted to genetics. A new carnival is traditionally posted on the first Sunday of the month (although the date is somewhat flexible). The newest edition of Mendel's Garden has been posted at balancing life. Sandy at Discovering Biology in a Digital…
Oekologie #10 is up on Laelaps. Boneyard #7 is up on Microecos Mendel's Garden: Halloween Edition is up on Discovering Biology in a Digital World The Accretionary Wedge #2 is up on All of My Faults Are Stress Related Four Stone Hearth XXV - 1st Anniversary Edition - is up on Remote Central Grand…
Welcome to the latest edition of Mendel's Garden (in late bloom). To kick off, we have a number of posts relating to parthenogenesis in Komodo dragons. Evolgen, Discovering Biology in a Digital World, and and PZ give us the miracle of virgin births! Phil B. presents How to Divide by Zero posted…
Sandy has posted the eight edition of Mendel's Garden at Discovering Biology in a Digital World. Go read the best genetics blogging from the past couple of weeks. If you have written something about genetics and would like to be included in the next edition of the carnival, you can submit your…