Are you addicted to the Internet?

Ed and Dave on Internet addiction.

If I go out of town, I am perfectly happy not to see a computer for days - there is so much more other stuff to enjoy. But at home it is a different story - it's minutes, not days, and I start shaking uncontrollably!

OK, just joking. But I spend less time online than you may think, thanks to the MovableType's ability to schedule a bunch of posts in advance. I have seriosuly cut on my time spent reading other blogs. My Bloglines does not work any more. I do not go browsing aimlessly or shopping online at all.

I do not watch TV almost at all.

I started to read some newspapers online - only the chosen articles - instead of hardcopy in which one is drawn into reading all sorts of silly stuff, like comics.

I still find time to read books.

So, even if it is an addiction, it is a much more useful and benevolent one than most other addictions. I get informed and spread the information to others - what's wrong with that?


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