A scientist's essential tools

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Yes, I am going to talk about the MythBusters latest duct tape episode. A couple of pre-post points: They call it "duct" tape. I call it duck tape. It doesn't work very well with ducts. Also, it is good for water proofing stuff - you know like a duck. For the rest of this post, I am calling…
Save all important documents and bookmark essential web pages, because this might crash your computer. But don't worry, a reboot will fix it. Go here, click "here" and then stay there for the whole thing. You will need about two minutes. Have duct tape (or as we call it in Minnesota, Duck Tape…
Failed. My hair is as blonde as ever. Maybe blonder, as if that is possible. So the saner people among you are probably wondering; Why am I trying to turn my blonde hair red? Well, in my book, which I may write, the main character will be bipolar and will change her hair color with wash-in hair…
...is finding a homework stuck to my door, with duck tape, along with the note "Gone to Mt. Baker" (Mt. Baker is a local ski area.) Actually this reminds me of a policy I've always wanted to try: require every student to NOT attend class at least a few times a term. The idea being that it is…

Is duck tape tape you use to repair the hole when you've stuck your beak in where it doesn't belong? Or is that just another canard?

The fifth force of the universe is duct tape ;-)

It's actually spelled "duck" and has a picture of a duck on the wrapper. It's people who cannot believe it's duck who erroneously spell it "duct".

Our Project Fellows met, and suggested you apply for membership.

Do you plan to develop a career in a CC or four-yearer; we need both for cadres to be Fellows or teach overseas.

Our board met; they admire your ambition, but think you should try to focus, as it was concerend U may not succeed, if you blog and write a thesis at the same time: some can, but are U one such?

Good luck: we salute you and contact us if you wish, in June, for our further consideration after examination.

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