Mentioning terrorism and Osama...

...does not automatically translate into Republican advantage:

Will the new GOP ad make you more or less likely to vote for Republicans?
Less likely67%
More likely33%
Total Votes: 82,879


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That's interesting, but since it's just an internet poll in a news article I don't think we can really draw conclusions from it.

By Andrew McClure (not verified) on 21 Oct 2006 #permalink

Ahhh, but its claimed that the Rethuglicans already know this, and are targeting the add only to their base, who they hope to re-energize.

Andrew: No, of course not, but I thought it was interesting - pretty large spread there.

Tom: But will this re-energize the base, that's the question?

coturnix: Can't say if it will, but I suspect that they did surveys on test audiences before deploying the add.
In any case, biases of internet surveys notwithstanding, it does look like an encouraging trend.