Tomorrow, go vote and be prepared!

Bring your cell-phone with you (if you have one). Bring your camera (if you have one). Bring family or friends along to serve as each others' witnesses in case something happens.

And if you notice anything wrong with the way elections are going or your vote is counted? What do you do?

You need to respond immediately. Take a picture or a movie of the offense (discreetly if deemed neccessary). Then, you need to respond loudly enough that everyone in the building hears about it. Immediately complain to the election officials and do not back down until the problem is resolved. Inform everyone in the room. Immediately call the NATIONAL CALL-IN NUMBERS:

888-SAV-VOTE for voting machine and legal issues
866-OUR-VOTE for general election questions
866-VEY-VOTA for Spanish

These three numbers will collect reports from voters and include them in a national database of information called the Election Incident Reporting System (EIRS) that will be live and operating in real-time on election day so that these problems and trends can be evaluated as they occur.

Also, find your local contact numbers here:
Click on "States" at the top of the page to find an election-integrity group in your state to report to locally.

Inform the local Democratic Party.

Go home and write a summary of the problem you encountered. Post it on your blog and mail it to everyone you know. Send the permalink to (or post it in the comments of, or re-post as a Diary at) prominent blogs and websites like DailyKos, MyDD, Black Box Voting and BradBlog. Edit the post for tone and style (cutting out the F-words) and send it to all the local radio stations, TV news stations and newspapers.

Do not let them steal yet another election! They have hijacked democracy as if it was an airplane. We need to fight the hijackers, even if that means we all together fall to our deaths in the field somewhere.


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Thanks for the tips Bora. There is a lot info to have in your sheath if you are going to cut your way through the Republican 's dirty tricks and vote suppression.
Their Robocalling is getting detailed and usable exposure via Josh Marshal and FDL but the very best information at this moment...stuff that could actually bring the vote suppressors to in a diary at daily kos.
I put a number at the bottom of my post for the day that you might want to add to your list. It is just a way to be sure [apparently polling locations can change even the day before election? who knew] of exactly where your particular polling place is and when it is open. This number suddenly becomes important because one of the other dirty tricks the RNCC or someone has pulled is to robo call heavily democratic districts with misinformation about where to vote. People should have an indpendent source of this information.

As a MoveOn "Call For Change" volunteer, I am furious about these [probably illegal and certainly unethical] attempts to jigger the voting turnout. As a caller, I am going to encounter more exasperated and suspicious people who have had their attention and privacy abused by the Republican robots. The are polluting and dilluting my effectiveness.

Bora, in some jurisdictions recording devices are prohibited within parts of the polling place. Others it's just discouraged. Folks, call your local BOE or Dem/Rep party office to get the lowdown on local laws.

Tomorrow, Bora and I are facing possible chilly rains - encourage your friends and family to overcome and turnout. Even in "decided" races, large participation sends the clear message that 2006 is a prelude to 2008.

Re Daily Kos: its going to be wildy busy there today. A particular diary there to point out is
because it has wonderfully detailed instruction on how to turn the these dirty tricks and robo calls in to evidence for procescution of FCC violations, privacy violatins and voter rights violations

It looks like my first attempt to post this comment went into the bit bucket. I really want anyone reading here to know of another number that would be a good addition to the three you list, Bora.
If you are not sure where to vote or what the polling hours are in your precinct, call 1-866-MY VOTE -1 [1-866-698-6831]

This number could be useful in, for instance, New Mexico, where Republicans have been robocalling certain precincts with misinformation about where to vote.