I voted at 9:40am and was voter #299 at our place which is huge! In some years there is less than that whole day.
Even more, earlier today, when I was dropping off my daughter at school around 7:50am, there was a line there with people even standing outside in the cold rain! I have NEVER seen a line there in the last 3.5 years here.
Oh, and if you are so new here that you do not know how I may have voted, I feel like this and this.
There is a judge race (officially non-partisan) in which I did not vote because the self-professed Democrat is bat-shit crazy (and not even endorsed by the Democratic Party) and the Republican...well, they all need to get the message that belonging to a maniacal party does not pay any more. There is another judge (who I think is an old-style Zell-Miller-like Southern Democrat) who is running unopposed for whom I did not vote because I saw his despicable demeanor in the courtroom - but that is personal.
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I live in a suburb of Columbus, OH, in a county that normally runs about 60% R, 40% D. When I voted at 10:30am, I was number 201. About that time of day I am usually in the mid-80s.
Also, the parking lot was nearly full, and I had to wait to vote (which almost never happens). A poll worker told me that people were lined up outside the polling place before it opened this morning (another rarity).
On the other hand, many of the cars in the lot had bumper stickers for the Republican candidate for Governor (Ken Blackwell, current Secretary of State).
Coturnix coming out of his shell. Soon he'll be using names like Turdblossom and Assrocket.
;-) [all in good humor...]
Hope we'll get 'em this time around!
Ahcuah - I am curious as to what subburb. When I was in Columbus I always voted in Grandview. It was crowded, but also pretty liberal.
Ahcuah - I am curious as to what subburb. When I was in Columbus I always voted in Grandview. It was crowded, but also pretty liberal.
Just FYI,
That batshit crazy Democratic judge was a Republican until a couple years ago, when even the Rethugs wouldn't endorse her. FWIW, she's so nutso that the Dems are endorsing her opponent in a big way. I wrestled with a decision on that one for several days, wore out the google button on my browser, and decided he was (as best I could discern) a reputable judge, not part of the right wing crazies, and seemed to be able to leave his personal opinions out of the courtroom. I voted for him to send my own message: I'll only even consider a republican if he isn't part of the freako Christo-fascist right wing. If you want to have any hope of getting my vote, put out more candidates like this guy. It's entirely likely that my message will never be heard, but I felt like it was important enough to be said. I certainly hope I'm not mistaken in my appraisal of him.
I wish I'd read your column before I went to vote (I voted around 8 this morning, before it was even written), because I couldn't find anything on the three unopposed judges. I held my nose, hoped for the best, and voted for all three. Ugh.
Well, that's all the news that's fit to print from Down East on the Carolina Coast.