NC blogging of the week

Tarheel Tavern #93, North Carolina's mountains, is up on Nicomachus.

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Kivi is hosting The Tar Heel Tavern tomorrow, so send your entries ASAP: I am also hosting The Tarheel Tavern this weekend, the premiere carnival of North Carolina bloggers. My theme is "Paying Tribute." Since we are close to President's Day, and nobody I know actually honors our presidents on the…
The call for submission has been issued: This week's Tarheel Tavern (#103 for those of you keeping score) comes on the Sunday before Valentines Day. In a declaration of vitality and ecstasy, the theme of the Tavern is Utter Transformative Joy. While all submissions will be received like family,…
The last time we met at the Tar Heel Tavern was on April 2nd. After that, the inspiration dried out and no Tarheel-brewed amber-colored liquid was flowing for months. With the grass wilting everywhere around us, it was easy to just give up and stop watering one's blogging flowers with creative…
Offer extended through Friday! Friday! Friday! 2 May!!!!Submit entries to tarheeltavern.abel at gmail. For the first time since I've lived here, the NC primary will actually matter especially given that Clinton and Obama appear to now be running neck-and-neck in PA. The Tar Heel Tavern was an early…