Bolton Resigns

WaPo reports. Who is next?


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Religion really does make people crazy. Here's a story about a dog who walked into a Jewish court. The dog entered the Jerusalem financial court several weeks ago and would not leave, reports Israeli website Ynet. It reminded a judge of a curse passed on a now deceased secular lawyer about 20…
I'm harping on the same string.  A month ago, I href="">noted how it was not necessary for terrorists to figure out how to poison us.  Our own companies are doing it for them.  Now, our government is doing a heck of a job to…
Tony Snow denies reports from sources close to UK prime minister Tony Blair that Bush will use next week's State of the Union address to announce plans for the US to adopt a "Kyoto-like" mandatory cap on emissions, part of the administration's move towards "more radical measures" on climate change…

Cheney is next. What do i win if I am right?

I read over on Living the Scientific Life that someone is floating Rick Santorum's name around. I'm sure he'd never get confirmed, but jeez . . .