Let me know what's missing - in the past installments I missed some of the obvious biggies (and you did not tell me!) like MyDD, Juan Cole, Crooks & Liars...!!!!
Obscure and Confused Ideas
Obsidian Wings
Olduvai George
Omics! Omics!
Omnidictum: Essays in Science
Omni Brain (old)
Omni Brain (new)
On being a scientist and a woman
One Stop Thought Shop
On Pharma
Once Upon a Time...
One America Committee
One Long Argument
Online Zoologists - Zoology as a way of life
Open Access Anthropology
Open Reading Frame
The OpenScience Project
Orange Politics
Orbis Quintus
Orient Lodge
The Ostroy Report
Over at Teekay's
Over My Med Body
The Owl's Hide...
Previously (and please you can add suggestions at any time in the future - I get e-mail notifications so I will get the message):
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Juan Cole and Crooks and Liars should indeed be on the blogroll - not so sure about MyDD, but that might just be my intense dislike of a certain subset of the Liberal blogsphere (mostly Firedoglake) shining through.
I agree, but they need to be tracked in order to counteract their claims in the comments (until getting banned).
By that logic, we could as well add LGF or Free Republic to the blogroll....
No, I get your point, but I prefer to let the rest of you handle the reading.
I'll leave it to Pam Spaulding to read the Freepers and report to the rest of us.
On the other hand, Stoller and Co. often have smart things to say and they are also quite influential both in the blogosphere and in the Dem party - they have to be watched much more carefully because they can have an effect on what the Dems (netroots) do, and indirectly what the Dem Party does.
Freepers can keep slobbering all they want, the Dems do not care, but they care for what FDL and MyDD post.
Orbis Quintus link is wrong... there is no /blog at the end of the address.