Blogrolling: O

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Smack in the middle of the alphabet! Let me know what's missing from this list... The Magic School Bus (archives) Magnificent Frigatebird The Mahablog Maisie's World Majikthise Making Light Mano Singham's Web Journal Marginal Revolution Marko Grujic Martini Republic Maryannaville Material World…
Let's keep moving down the alphabet. Let me know what is missing from this list... Galactic Interactions The Geek Counterpoint Gene Expression Genesalive - another science blog Genetics and Health The Geomblog German Joys Get Busy Livin', or Get Busy Bloggin' Getting Real (Over Coffee) Getting…
OK, is there a blog missing from this list? Tales from the Microbial Laboratory Talking Points Memo Tall, Dark, and Mysterious The Taming of the Band-Aid Tangled Bank Tart juice TBogg Terra Sigillata (old) Terra Sigillata (new) Terry Tete-tete-tete The Thinking Meat Project Thomasburg Walks Those…
As always, check the list and see if anything is wrong or missing: Hairy Museum of Natural History The Half Decent Pharmaceutical Chemistry Blog Halfway There Harper Valley Happening-here? Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with Norbizness Head in a Cloud Head Nurse Heaven is not the sky Hellbound Alleee…

Juan Cole and Crooks and Liars should indeed be on the blogroll - not so sure about MyDD, but that might just be my intense dislike of a certain subset of the Liberal blogsphere (mostly Firedoglake) shining through.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 04 Dec 2006 #permalink

By that logic, we could as well add LGF or Free Republic to the blogroll....

No, I get your point, but I prefer to let the rest of you handle the reading.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 05 Dec 2006 #permalink

I'll leave it to Pam Spaulding to read the Freepers and report to the rest of us.

On the other hand, Stoller and Co. often have smart things to say and they are also quite influential both in the blogosphere and in the Dem party - they have to be watched much more carefully because they can have an effect on what the Dems (netroots) do, and indirectly what the Dem Party does.

Freepers can keep slobbering all they want, the Dems do not care, but they care for what FDL and MyDD post.