NeuroBlogging of the week

Encephalon n°12: demandez le menu! is up on AlphaPsy.


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Encephalon #12 is up at AlphaPsy. The Neurophilosopher has a cool article on Phineas Gage -- a patient that is often used as an example in neuroscience classes because he had a railroad spike tamping iron go through his head and cause personality changes. The Mungers at Cognitive Daily are…
Hey, for those of you coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference, don't forget to sign up for the dinners! There's one big group dinner on Friday, January 19, from 7 to 10 PM, and a bunch of group dinners on Saturday, January 20, right after the official conclusion of the…
Earlier today, someone left the following comment: Le réchauffement climatique fait partie d'un cycle planétaire qui touche toutes les planètes de notre système et n'a rien avoir avec la pollution. La glace occupe un volume supérieur a son volume en eau, donc: si la glace fond le niveau…
Welcome to the 10th edition of the Encephalon, the blog carnival of brains, minds, neurons, behavior and cognition. This was a busy week (and weekend) for me, so I decided to give up on the spectacularly difficult idea I had for creative hosting and go with a traditional style. After all, it is…