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Under attack, Pandagon has been down all day. But you can see here (and re-posted here) what scum of the Earth resides on the political Right in this country. This is a good time to read this again. And please find time to read all ten parts of this series on eliminationism in America. Sensing…
Take away the question mark and that's the name of a blog maintained by Zack Exley. I came across it by following links from BoingBoing and Andrew Sullivan. Exley's premise is that “secular progressives” ought to take a second look at Evangelical Christianity. He writes: Right after the 2004…
In most cases below comment threads are more interesting than the posts, but let's see when Anne Coulter will show up on TV or at a conservatives' meeting next time, so we can ask "Why?" John Edwards Elizabeth Edwards Glenn Greenwald David Neiwert Mick Arran John McKay John Lynch Neil the Ethical…
Why is Joe Klein surprised? Is this news something against the narrative he and his buddies were trying to build over the past year or so? Whither The Inevitable Hillary? The Des Moines Register is reporting these numbers in a poll of Iowa Democrats conducted in October by Harstad Research for a…