My picks from ScienceDaily

To Elude Bats, A Moth Keeps Its Hearing In Tune:

Current understanding of the co-evolution of bats and moths has been thrown into question following new research reported in the journal Current Biology. Dr James Windmill from the University of Bristol, UK, has shown how the Yellow Underwing moth changes its sensitivity to a bat's calls when the moth is being chased. And in case there is another attack, the moth's ear remain tuned in for several minutes after the calls stop.

Adults Living With Children Eat More Fat Than Do Other Adults:

Adults living with children eat more saturated fat -- the equivalent of nearly an entire frozen pepperoni pizza each week -- than do adults who do not live with children, according to a University of Iowa and University of Michigan Health System study.

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Echolocation - or biological sonar - can be thought of as an auditory imaging system that is used by organisms in environments where vision is ineffective. It involves the emission of vocalizations by the animal, and the detection of the echoes of those sounds, which are used to produce three-…
BATS use sonar, or echolocation, to navigate complex environments, and also to forage and then accurately pinpoint the flying insects on which they prey. Insects in turn have evolved various counter-measures to evade capture. Some species have ears which are in tune to the echolocation signals,…
I knew the children were up to something -- with their beady little eyes: Adults who live with children eat more fat, and more saturated fat, than those who do not, according to a new study. The report, published online last week in The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, was based on…
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