Anthology update

Just a quick note on the current state of the anthology:

40 41 formatted files have arrived so far, six are on their way today, and four three more people have yet to respond (I may have to tap into the "reserve" posts if I do not hear from these four three today). The cover is done. The title is chosen. The PDF file is in the process of beeing built and looking pretty already.

I am writing the Preface right now. It has been suggested to me to utilize/cannibalize material from these two old posts for the Preface. Both are too long, but have some interesting stuff in them, so I will see what I can do about it.

A couple of more days and the blook will be up for sale. When that happens you will hear about it here first!

Update Jan 10th, 11:45pm: Herding cats is almost done. All 50 contacted. 47 files obtained (the three of you - you know who you are - hurry up!). Preface still in the works. Putting the whole thing together tomorrow. Announcement soon.

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