Clock Quotes

Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.

Jim Bishop

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The bishop of Bruges,Roger Vangheluwe, has suddenly resigned over sexual abuse — he has confessed to abusing and harming a young man years ago. I'd be more impressed with his contrition if it hadn't arisen after the media started making a lot of noise about the issue. It seems there is a small wave…
Democratic candidate Nancy Boyda claims that a poll puts her ahead of incumbent Jim Ryun: The poll showed 42.5 percent favored Boyda; 41.2 percent favored Ryun and 16.2 percent were undecided. The poll’s margin of error was plus or minus 4.6 percent. The sample was from voter rolls, and the poll…
And now for something completely different. As a high school freshman I was assigned to read a heavily abridged version of Victor Hugo's novel Les Miserables. I loved it immediately. Later I resolved to procure a copy of the full, unabridged version, complete in all of its 1200+ page glory. I…
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, 'visionary' scientists like Francis Collins thought 'genetic diseases' were coming to an end. Because they believed in 'OGOD', 'one gene, one disease' (lol, *blink*), they were sure identifying 'disease' genes would... somehow... give us the ability to…