I always like it...

.. when someone rips PETA a new one...

Added later: Jill and Chris have more (and watch all those disccussions in the comment threads on all three posts!).

Added even later: Archy has a great analysis of this.

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As I knew it would eventually the thread devolved into attacks on basic science.

It's my least favorite thing about the ARAs, the complete ignorance of how biological knowledge is obtained and the complete dismissal of the importance of basic science.

You have to wonder if they set up the SOTU vid to distract folks from the PETA Animal Cruelty Case that just got started. They think just because they are members of PETA, they are legally and medically qualified to handle controlled substances and euthanize healthy animals.

By oneproudaardva… (not verified) on 29 Jan 2007 #permalink