Science Under Attack - blogospheric response

More and more science bloggers are chiming in on the story about a nasty PR campaign against open-source publishing. See Revere, Alex, Steve, Tim and Corie for a taste and several more are linked from here. Also, read David Biello in Scientific American who wrote an article about it: Open Access to Science Under Attack

Update: Now WaPo chimes in here (thanks Alex).

Please go to discuss this on the SciAm blog.

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The Scientific American article reports that the American Chemical Society spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to
hire two lobby firms to defeat open access.

Dezenhall is also hooked up with the American Chemistry Council which hired Dezenhall to kill off chemical safety regulations.

See here:

PBS just aired a documentary about a journalist at the American Chemical Society who was fired for reporting that the White House was suppressing federal scientists for speaking about the link between hurricanes and global warming.

You can watch the episode, which is titled "Science Fiction."

WTF is going on with the American Chemical Society?!

Hi B., In reponse to all the hoopla, I've created an Open Source Journal category in the Element List science link directory here.

I'm filling it up right now with links and would be happy to take link suggestions.
- Jackie

Thanks for pointing to my article. I'm also trying to host a real debate on open access on our blog here. So far with limited success but I would love to hear what you think.