I did not know more people tuned in than to American Idol...

...because I was not one of them. But now, thanks to Ed Cone, I know what the State of the Union address was all about.


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Full disclosure: I know the toxicologist who is the subject of this post. Not well. But I know her and I know her work and she is, as the story from the LA Times says, a highly respected scientist. And no shrinking violet, which accounts for the fact that the Bush EPA has dismissed her from an…
I'm looking at an email from my editor when Emmy wanders by the computer, sniffing around just in case a crumb of food has fallen on the floor in the last five minutes. "Hey," I say, "Come here and look at this." "Look at what?" "This:" "It's the cover for my new book." "A-hem." "OK, fine, it's…
We've evolved with a craving for sugar because as hungry and starved hunters and gathereres it helped us gobble food sources rich in energy whenever they were available (which wasn't often). I like icecream - particularly the ones with the edible cone, because I've evolved to like it. Now, for the…
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