Just Science Week

A number of science bloggers are doing the Just Science Week, pledging to write about science every day, and ONLY about science.

While I was planning to write more about science anyway, I cannot promise not to blog about evrything and anything else that strikes my fancy at any given time - that is just not the way I blog. I could not resist an occasional foray into non-science blogging even back when I did my own "All Clocks All Week" stint, from August 14 till August 25 (check all the cool stuff in-between those two posts I linked to).

So, I am not going to do it this week either, though I'll gladly read what others write, and, as I mentioned, I have several pure-science posts in the works for this week anyway.


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I am also not "taking the pledge" mainly because I blog for a reason (or two) and just because some other people have different reasons ... well, it's not like I have a bad habit I'm trying to break or something.

... in other words, I feel like being implored to blog only science for a week is a little like the National Smoke Out, which in turn implies that when I don't blog about science, or in particular, when I blog about Right Wing Yahoos or Creationists, etc., that I'm the one doing something wrong!

I get the point but I simply don't want to do it myself.

HOWEVER, what I have pledge to do is to Blog Darwin all week. I have already written the first two posts which are scheduled to go up Monday and Tuesday, and I've got drafts of a couple more. I'll put something up about Darwin or closely related to Darwin each day from tomorrow though his 200th birthday a week later.

That is a great idea! Last year I assembled a HUGE linkfest that collected pretty much all the links to all the posts poeple wrote for Darwin's birthday. I should do the same thing again this year!