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You know I love Pilobolus (the fungus, not the danced troupe), as I wrote a very long post about it before, the cutely titled Postscript to Pittendrigh's Pet Project - Phototaxis, Photoperiodism and Precise Projectile Parabolas of Pilobolus on Pasture Poop. Then I returned to it later to point out…
P is a popular letter so the list is longish. As always, check it out: bad links? Let me know. A super-find you are very happy to discover? I'd like to know. A grave omission? Tell me in the comments... Pacific Institute Integrity of Science Blog (old) Pacific Institute Integrity of Science…
Dangit! The big OK Separation of Church and State event tomorrow has had to be postponed because we are currently in the middle of a freak snowstorm. By freak snowstorm, I mean it is currently 27 degrees, pouring rain that is going to turn into snow overnight... ... Yet the high on Sunday is going…
No, I'm not talking about voting them out of office (fat chance of that happening in some places). By now, you've probably heard about the firing of the Texas Education Agency's director of science curriculum. There's not much to add to what others have already said about how stupid this is, so,…