
The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleeping world.

- Leonard Cohen

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Last night we went to see Leonard Cohen at the DPAC in Durham. What to say? He's the Legend. Still, at this age, full of energy and spunk. And everything was done to perfection - the set, the lighting and the slow dance of the backup singers had, together, a hypnotic effect. Three hours passed like…
It's been a few weeks since I've done a Friday Random Ten, but I got up early and felt like listening to a little music today. As per the rules of the game, I selected my entire iTunes library and went to the Party Shuffle to see what the randomizer wants me to listen to. Today, it's a heavy dose…
Oh, did I tell you that Leonard Cohen will be in Durham in November? Yes, that Leonard Cohen whose music I grew up with? Yes, I bought the tickets as soon as it was possible and will go to DPAC on November 3rd to hear him live. Finally!!! I heard that his concert in Belgrade was magical and…
I'm not feeling especially inspired, blog-wise, this morning, and I've got another couple of busy days on tap, so you get the fall-back post of the uninspired blogger: Ten random tracks from my iTunes library (the four-and-five-star playlist), with commentary. I'm tempted to just steal Kate's…