
Time is not a line, but a series of now-points.

- Taisen Deshimaru

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And now for something almost completely different. This all begins at History of the infinite where I said it might be fun to work out why his [Aristotle's] "proof" that the continuum can't be composed of indivisibles is wrong. This lead on to Aristotle against the continuum - reply (wherein you…
As a very hectic week settles down a bit, I can give you a little more information and perspective on the Minnesota US Senate Race recount. There are a number of misconceptions circulating about this process that I can dispel, and I have a pair of predictions for you: Taking the same exact data,…
Graphics software for Linux is superior to most other software for several reasons. Since the Linux system is inherently more efficient than other systems, memory-hungry graphics operations will always run faster, better, and more reliably on a Linux box than on, say, a Windows box, all else being…