Have you nominated a post for the 2007 Science Blogging Anthology yet?

First three months of the year are almost over and... we have only 14 entries so far for the next Science Blogging Anthology!

Everything written and posted since December 20th 2006 is fair game. Have you written something really good since then? Send it in. Have you submitted something to a carnival this year yet? Send it in. Have you hosted a carnival and received some really cool posts? Send them in. Have you discovered a great new science blog that you think everyone should know about? Pick their best post and send it in.

It's easy, just use the submission form or click here:

Openlab 2007

Help spread the word by placing the button (code can be found here) on your own sidebar.

Also, I am wondering if there are some enterpranurial people who will assemble anthologies of the best MedBlogging, EduBlogging, EnviroBlogging, Skeptical blogging, Godless blogging, Liberal blogging, etc.... Start a whole new industry and bridge the gap between blogs and blog-shy folks by presenting our best to them in the format they are used to and they trust - the printed-on-paper books.

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Now that the registration for the Science Blogging Conference is open, it is time to remind you that the new edition of the Science Blogging Anthology, "Open Laboratory 2007", is in the works and is accepting your suggestions. Although the entire process, from the initial idea all the way to…

Am I correct in assuming that this applies only to scienceblogs.com material?

No, no, no - absolutely NOT!!!

That is why I am asking everyone to put the button on the sidebar so it spreads as much as possible outside the Seed Empire.

There are probably about 1000 blogs that can be loosely classified as science blogs out there (that is just in English language) and we need as much participation from the outside as possible.

Check the contents of the first anthology - more than half were from outside Seed and that was done during Winter Break over only three weeks when there was not much time to advertise outside SB. Please help spread the word!

I don't want to submit just yet, because I think I have better material in me than what I've done so far this year. I'll wait a few more months, and then send in my best of the first half of 2007 or something.