Blogrolling for Today

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This graph shows what two links from Daily Kos and one link from Instapundit in the span of two days can do for your blog traffic. For those of you who don't know, Daily Kos is a high-traffic politically liberal team-written blog, whereas Instapundit is a high-traffic politically conservative…
Daily alcohol use by males has been shown to increase sexual arousal and decrease sexual inhibition. In Fruit Flies. The current (Jan 2) issue of PLoS ONE includes a paper by Lee et al exploring thye physiological side of changes in sexual behavior under the influence of alcohol, with an eye…
I'm watching the inauguration on tv...all the bigwigs are walking in...and here comes Malia and Sasha. Could those girls possibly be any cuter? Every time they show a shot of the sea of humanity on the Mall I am just overwhelmed. I've never had a sense of living through anything so momentous…
Dunno yet. I'll expand on this if I do. For the moment, CRU themselves are not excited. Update: it looks very much like this is nothing new, just those mails deemed to dull to release last time. So, as Deltoid points out, and claims to being doing this for "information transparency" is a clear lie…

Hi! Thanks! What did I do to deserve this? :)

Note to self: Read Coturnix more often. Not least because he self-identifies as a "Red-State Serbian Jewish atheist liberal PhD student with Thesis-writing block and severe blogorrhea," which is to say my kind of people. :)