
Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.

- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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I'm a coffee drinker. I'm not finicky about grind or bean or method of preparation, although I guess I have some preferences. There is one thing that coffee has to have for me, though, and that it's strong. Very, very strong. The spoon has to stand up in the cup by itself. My usual cup in the…
Yes, this post is a repeat from long ago, but I was reminded dig it up after reading a piece at a friend's blog. Thanks for indulging me. --PalMD If Bob Dylan provides the soundtrack for much of my life, then coffee provides the "smelltrack". I did not start to drink coffee until I was about 20…
If it weren't for coffee, much of the research that gets done today wouldn't get done. Or so I am led to believe based on the reverence people seem to have for the sacred bean. Frankly, I'd trade a cup of coffee for a good night's sleep. Hell, I'd trade a cup of coffee for pretty much anything.…
Yikes! In my grant writing frenzy the last few days, this could easily have been me: Jasmine Willis, 17, developed a fever and began hyperventilating after drinking seven double espressos while working at her family's sandwich shop. The student, of Stanley, County Durham, was taken to the…