Wow! Just wow!

I don't watch TV almost at all, but I turned it on for a minute earlier today. I thought it was some kind of monthypythonesque satire, or perhaps that the 'American Funniest Videos' has really reached the bottom of the barrel since I last saw it several years ago...but then I noticed the title of the show was "The Republican Primary Debate"! Oh, that explains why there was no canned laughter all the time! There should have been.

It is really disheartening to see that these people are taken seriously, not laughed at by the pundits, and that their so-called Party is considered to be legitimate. It is even more disheartenting that these people even manage to get substantially more than zero votes when they run for office. I thought that orange overalls would fit some of them quite nicely...I switched the TV off mighty quick. My emotional and mental health is precious to me.


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I feel ya, fella.
I gave my TV away years ago because of these reasons you just described. What a bunch of talking potato heads, huh. Worse yet, they're paid high wages and paid by us.

I never understood the last sentence and probably never will.

Hope the Labradoodle is doing well.


Labradoodle is doing great - back at in-laws house. I saw him the other day - he is now doing his stuff outside (unlike these clowns who do it on TV).

Politicians need to take back their parties from the pundits.

Something like this "debate" happens, and the candidates now realize: "we're caricatures in eyes of the public". Politicians may think they appreciate them, but pundits have seriously screwed up the public's perception of what things are politically debatable or important.

Some "loser" republican candidate needs to answer: "Can you ask us another question? That one was ridiculously phrased, inane and demeaning." (None of the others would have the guts ... )


** Do you believe global warming exists? <==> If you don't think global warming exists, on what basis do you base your conviction, which goes against all scientific evidence presented by the IPCC?

** Should we change our Constitution which we believe is divinely inspired to allow men like Mel Martinez, the chairman of your party, born in Cuba, great patriot, senator from Florida, and Arnold Schwarzenegger to stand here some night? <==> Shouldn't we change the Constitution, which was inspired by America's desire to live free from religious or kingly subjugation, and having previously been amended to advance the rights of women and blacks, to allow immigrant citizens to be elected president?

** If you were president, would you work to phase out the IRS? <==> What reforms would you make to the IRS?

** Why do you support the use of public funds for abortion? <==> Is abortion a medical procedure? If you believe it is, and whether or not you agree with the morality of the procedure, do you think the state ought to especially regulate it differently, outside the doctor/patient relationship?

** Do you want to keep him (Carl Rove) in the White House if you get elected president as the presidents chief political operative? <==> (I have got nothing to improve this question: it's ludicrous every which way around :-\ || asking who would be your future chief of staff, would be, at this stage of a presidential race, stupid, let alone mention carl rove. Incredibly, it is followed up, numerous times, by the questioner.)

** Jack Abramoff, Mark Foley, Duke Cunningham in prison for bribes. Just last month, FBI raids of two Republican members of Congress. Whats with your party and all this corruption? <==> There have been some members of congress convicted or facing corruption investigations, do you think there are sufficient and necessary checks on congressional behaviour to prevent corruption? (This question, as posed, is stupidly unfair. There is nothing inherent about Conservatives or Republicans that leads to corruption.)

** a reader wants a letter grade; he wants to know A through F, how would you rate the Bush administrations handling of the Iraq war. <==> What problems did Bush's administration make in handling the Iraq war (allow 10 minute responses ...).

** Okay, lets start with an enjoyable down-the-line, okay? I want each candidate to mention a tax hed like to cut, in addition to the Bush tax cuts, keeping them in effect. <==> How would you budget differently than the past republican congress and white house, which has cut taxes, but massively increased the deficit and debt? When is it appropriate to deficit finance?

** Governor Gilmore, a reader says you claim to be the only real conservative in this race. They want you to explain none of the other candidates deserves to label themselves as the true conservative. <==> Why do you think you're a better conservative candidate than the others?

** Do you trust the mainstream media? <==> A lot of people don't trust the media. Why do you think that is? Do you offer those people any advice?

** Joanie from California wants to know how many American soldiers have lost their lives in the Iraq war and how many have been injured to date. <==> What price should be paid to stabilize Iraq? Is it possible to justify the current level of injured and dead Americans with any likely outcomes? Could a larger American effort lead to better outcomes than you would currently foresee with the status quo? (How did this make it past the moderators? This is just a stupid kind of trick question.)

** Do you think Scooter Libby should be pardoned? <==> What's your opinion on the presidential power to pardon those convicted.

** So we dont want another Marc Rich. <==> Do you think Marc Rich should have been pardoned?

** Governor, Bill Clinton back in the White House. <==> Why should people not vote for Hillary Clinton, should she become the democratic party nominee?

Please tell me you're not going to turn into somebody who brags about not watching television. I don't care whether you do or not, but you keep bringing it up. Like it's a virtue instead of a media choice. I'm just sayin', you know?

Oh no - I just have no time. As the campaign is heating up I wil watch more and more, just like I did in 2004. But outside of C-span and debates, plus an occasional good science show, there is really nothing worth watching.

meanwhile, as rudi and mitt were floping around their abortion positions like so many just-landed fish at the podium, CSPAN televised a debate where Bob Kuttner absolutely pulverized William Kristol
[it was live, no rebroadcast on the schedule and they charge for the the transcript...but it was awesome to hear Kuttner's scathing review of the many failures of conservatism.]
I have to link the cache because cspan overwrites their daily schedule URL.…

That's exactly what I'm talking about: "there is really nothing worth watching" instead of "there is nothing on I want to watch" or "there is nothing on I like".

See, you've just labeled the shows I like "worthless".

I'm not asking you to watch television - I'm just asking you (all of you out there) to stop insulting people who like a television show.

But I'm feeling like the legendary King Canute here...

Pitiful? Yes - but you do realize it says as much about you as the choice? (Assuming you have actually sampled, I mean. I figure this is one of the reasons many things I like disappear after 6 or 7 episodes: people who would like them just refuse to watch.)

There's not a lot on I enjoy, but there are some things I enjoy very, very much - even some I won't miss - I even got DVR because (of course) two of them are on at the same time). And it annoys me - although I have to say I'm sorry, by the way; yesterday I was overreacting - when people who've never even seen them dismiss them as "not worth watching". It's insulting, and it's a form of snobbery, and most of the time I don't think the people who engage in it realize how elitist they sound.

Chacun a son gout and all that, but I try not to tell people that the entertainment they like is crap.

There are 24 hours in a day. I need to sleep, eat, go grocery shopping, do the dishes and the laundry, clean the house, walk the dog, feed the pets, take kids to school, pick up kids from school, help kids with homework, talk and play with kids, spend time with my wife, chat with my mother or brother on the phone, read a book, read scientific papers, read blogs, write blogs, respond to e-mails...there is just no time for anything else. TV is just a media tool which I personally dislike. I also dislike the need to tune in at a particular time every day (or every Friday or so) as I like having full command of my own time. When it is worth my time and effort and fits with my self-imposed schedule, I tune in. Otherwise, I do not. Perhaps that makes me a snob, but that is my decision. I did watch a lot of TV during the first two years in the States as that was the quickest and easiest way to learn about a new culture. I loved Matlock and Jeopardy. Now, it is just a way to watch political campaigns/debates and the Triple Crown races. It is also a good-quality monitor for Netflix.


Times has change a great deal regarding assortment in obtaining information. That is for those who DARE to look for information. Somehow I have a feeling that today is more than earlier deeper gap between people who actively think and those who are taking information for granted. Sometimes I have a feeling that turning off TV is nerve saving, and choosing what we read and watch is sort of running away, or if we want to know, getting the zip version of what is going on in the world via net is just perfect. I admit: when I am alone in the house, I forgot TV exist.

But what about people who do believe in the news broadcasted? Who believe authorities? Major contribution to Yugoslav wars were media - major one TV. I think that Fromm in his "Escape from Freedom" said it the best: people tend too easily to trade their freedom for not being responsible, for not having headache from thinking too much. So, do people who have information also have an obligation to spread one? So much lies in human cognition and it take tricks and tips to counterfight false or twisted information, to prove to those who believe that they should believe their own eyes and ears rather than "information" served.

I have to admit I was confused a bit when I came to USA - took a while until I figured out that if I want to hear something further from our very own pond, I can not expect to hear it in the news! And what are the news for, after all???

So here is a plead for those who have stomach to digest TV information: please let us know when we should kick in and bring some balance back. Or we can sometimes take turns who is in charge for scanning TV and later to go and take deserved nerve rest.

I'm still learning (switching to) about USA politicians. One eye is still what is going on in Serbia - got to have strong stomach for that one too! Thanks for digesting it in blog for us.

This reminded me of the question my youger son asked in amaze:
"Mom, how come you never play video games???"
In his world, that is the ultimate fun, reward. Somehow he understood when I told him that there are so many things to do, that I have barely time to read and do what I truly feel like, and that playing video games is, from my point of view, rudely stolen time. Or perhaps he just noded like he does understand me just to make me feel better, not showing he was pitying me. Makes me wonder of the true age of so called adults...