How to teach as much biology in as little time

Yup, I am teaching my accelerated BIO101 class tonight again. It is all about figuring out what is really important, stripping away everything else, trying not to fry the students' brains, and keeping one's own sanity in the process. I'll probably spend about 30 minutes on cell division and DNA replication, about 45 minutes on development, about 30 minutes on genotype and phenotype and about an hour on evolution, taking breaks between each two topics. In the end, if there is time, I may show an old movie. How old? Well, Steve Jones is in it and he looks young and he talks about his - then current - snail research! That old.

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You are a brave man.

By Robert P. (not verified) on 07 May 2007 #permalink

Top lista nadrealista: Djura in his unique style is describing his work-class family house and backyard, later one is literally 2 square meters. So he said that they planted there a little bit of carrots, some cabbage, potato, tomato, onion, garlic...

Sounds similar - you could also add a little bit of taxonomy there, why not? Shopska salata, bre!