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Quantum Loonies Alán Aspuru-Guzik Brissie to Brizzle Cohærence* Complementary Slackness David Deutsch's Blog not exactly in focus Physics and cake Quantized Thoughts Quantum Algorithms Quantum Moxie Quantum Quandries rdv live from Tokyo Shtetl-Optimized we don't need no "sticking" room…
They need every scrap of brainpower they can get, and the two videos at this link will suck out your brain with the awesome power of their stupidity. Most of you are probably already familiar with the banana video, which tries to conclude that God exists from the perfection of the video. What you…
Quantum Hoops We're still not sure whether they won or lost. (tags: basketball academia sports physics movies) slacktivist: King and Huck The difference between the religious language of Martin Luther King and Mike Huckabee. (tags: religion politics US society culture) Coping With the Crunch…
PetSmart's Grreat Choice Dog Biscuit isn't such a great choice for fido because they contain peanut paste with salmonella. It may also not be so Grreat for fido's owners: Dr. Stephen Sundlof, a veterinarian who is the director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, said that the…