
When late morning rolls around and you're feeling a bit out of sorts, don't worry; you're probably just a little eleven o'clockish.

- Alan Alexander Milne

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Note: We're back in the U.S. However, it is a long holiday weekend here in the States, much like last weekend's Bank Holiday weekend in England. Consequently, blogging will be mellow until Tuesday. Don't worry, things will return to normal soon enough, but since traffic's down due to over a week of…
Not an exhaustive list, but since I'm noodling around with my calendar, I might as well note some of the stuff I'll be doing this year: I'll be on a panel about international science testing at the AAAS Annual Meeting in February. This will be a different experience-- not only have I never been to…
Just so folks know: ScienceBlogs is experimenting with some new anti-spam stuff, which should do away with the need for typekey. I've disabled typekey for Goodmath/Badmath, and we'll how it goes. If you've got cookies or cached data for the site, you might have a bit of trouble with comments for a…
People are very on edge today. More short and ill tempered than usual. I was walking along in Target and had that sense of tension and angst all around me, the feeling that everyone in the store would be happier if everyone else in the store was not there. As I was walking along I had the…