Calling a Spade a Spade

Finally someone is standing up to the lunatics!

First shot was firm but polite.

The second was uncompromising - yes, they really are "crazies" and that is how we should call them. And it is high time someone stood up to them and called them on their calculated craziness and hate-speech.


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YES! From where I sit, Coulter looks like the classic sociopath. They know better and don't care. I feel sad that our nation has let, nay practically begged, these kind of people to be our leaders and cultural icons.

Everything broadcast on commercial television is chosen almost exclusively for its potential to attract that they can watch the commercials.
Coulter embodies all the charm and attraction of a public execution. Apparently, few can resist the temptation to watch, no matter how horrible or predictable the result.
The sponsors love that she draws reactions from accross the political spectrum.
The best way to destroy her is to simply ignore her. The second sponsors sense that she no longer draws a crowd they will look elsewhere.