Literary Medblogging Project

It's Time for a Literary Medblogging Project.... :

Literary medblogging projects seem to occur on a semiannual basis: There was the "Dark and Stormy Night" series in December 2005, the "Literary Cheese Wheel" in July 2006, and the "Showcase" in December 2006. (Who would have thought that a website devoted to medical gadgets would link to all of these literary things?) The good Dr. Charles also hosted a travelling story, though it seems that his previous Blogger venue has been hijacked and thus, I cannot link to that literary work of art.

If you

* are a nursing student, nurse, medical student, or physician AND
* regularly maintain a blog that is considered a "medblog" AND
* enjoy storytelling AND
* would like to participate in literary medblogging project

then send me a note to express your interest.

I'm not sure what the project will entail just yet, but I've got a few ideas, some of which will depend on the level of medblogger interest. Maybe we'll even make fun of the non-literary medblogs (coughKevincough). Or at least come up with a better word than "medblogger". Yikes.


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