This is one of the geekiest tings I have ever seen , or, how to wear a red shirt and still manage to survive

Statistical analysis of crew-members' deaths on Starship Enterprise, including various risk factors.



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Ms. Madeline Loftus, 24, was just one of the 50 individuals who lost their lives on February 12, 2009 when Continental Flight 3407 crashed in a neighborhood near Buffalo, NY. The NTSB investigation and a frightening PBS Frontline investigation called "Flying Cheap" identified airline industry…
There are 48 articles published this week in PLoS ONE, something for everyone. Read, note, comment, blog about and send trackbacks... Here are some of the titles I found cool: Evidence of Authentic DNA from Danish Viking Age Skeletons Untouched by Humans for 1,000 Years: Given the relative…
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