Back to North Carolina Blogworld

Earlier today I had coffee with Anton Zuiker so we could catch up on everything, e.g., my new job, his new job, scifoo, etc.

So, the news to watch out for regarding local blogging events:

On August 31st, we will start the new blogging year with a party, of course, so come and eat and blog about it.

Then, on September 23-25th, the big three-day FoodBlogging series of yummy events (also see the write-up in the Independent) so come and eat and blog about it.

The blogger meet-ups will, next year, move away from its exlusive Carrboro location and start alternating between Chapel Hill/Carrboro and Durham. Now that Duke is getting into the blogging business and there are more and more bloggers there (in addition to some of the old superstars), it would be nice to spread the love a little and make it easier for everyone to attend.

Finally, the preparations for the Science Blogging Conference are in full swing. The wiki is already pretty useful, but it will be all up-to-date on September 1st, when registration opens.

So, keep an eye on the BlogTogether blog for news and try to join us whenever you can.

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