PLoS Blog

As could have been expected, I am now officially the blogmeister of the PLoS blog. I have just posted my first introductory post there. It is a Drupal blog. The above and below the fold parts are separate (you see one or the other, not both at the same time) so this will take some getting used to. There will be, in the coming weeks and months, changes to the blog and I want your input. Post your suggestions in the comments over there. The comments are moderated for now due to excessive influx of spam, so be patient when you post comments there - I will approve them as fast as I can.


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Why is the letter P the most useful for alliterative titles? But back to the substance. One thing that bugged me for a long time is that I often see on blogs or hear in person a sentiment that "there are no comments on PLoS ONE". Yet I spend quite some time every week opening and reading all the…

Just ignore the teaser part of the form (above the fold) and write everything in the second block. You can add a manual break, or the program will add one automatically for you. Then, everything above the break becomes the "teaser" or "above", but when you click through to the whole story, you get THE WHOLE STORY.

By Robert P. (not verified) on 16 Aug 2007 #permalink

Thank you - I'll try that next time I post. I am assuming that by manual break you mean the html.