Wi-fi for the people

Brian Russell, the tireless fighter for public wireless in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area, recently wrote two blog posts on the widely read local blog Orange Politics: Chapel Hill WiFi Pilot needs different Hotspots and Where is the WiFi?

This received quite a lot of attention both before and during the Chapel Hill Town Council meeting where public wi-fi was discussed. Some pilot locations may get altered due to Brian's advice. Today, Brian has a front-page article in Chapel Hill News on the topic. He has been building a Google Map of local wireless (on which I made sure to include a good word for my 'office'). Brian writes:

On Sept. 1, or when the new pilot goes live, I will plot their locations on a Google map at www.chapelhillwireless.org. Then I will publicly announce on Orange Politics a series of Wireless Tailgate Parties. Each day we'll be at different Chapel Hill Wireless hot spot. Bring your folding chair, a fully charged laptop, food, drinks, a video camera, wi-fi phone, or whatever. If you don't have a laptop don't worry. We'll share.

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