Grist on environmental proclivities of Presidential candidates

Grist takes a look at all candidates from both parties and evaluates their stands on environmental issues, global warming and energy:

How Green Is Your Candidate?

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Kuchinich's panel dicussion on cancer research was pretty funny yesterday when he digressed onto the topic of being newly married to a 30 year old hotty. K's take on the environment was that it's the air we breath, the food we eat, and the water we drink. If he didn't change his ways to lead a healthier lifestyle he wouldn't have the stamina to keep up. Lance Armstrong quipped this discussion is deteriorating rapidly, "It would just make me hungy," said Armstrong.

It never ceases to amaze me how the green debate seems to revolve around "who's going to get government to fix the problem?" The U.S. Government is the biggest waster of energy, the biggest polluter, and the biggest propagator of stupid policies.

I like the thrust of a recent Zogby poll question best: What have _you_ done recently to live more green? Let's ask the corporate (!) party candidates that question, eh?