Open Views

Sundar Raman at the Internet radio station KRUU.100.1FM has uploaded a series of interviews (from 3rd October 2006 till 21st August 2007), all on the topic of openness and transparency - from Open Source, through Open Book and Open Access, to Open Society. This series of interviews is entitled 'Open Views' and a total of 37 can be downloaded here. Well worth your time!

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Transcripts! Aging luddites want transcripts!

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Whilst I didn't agree with Bill and Bora's comments initially, I now do.

I'm scheduled to be speaking to Sundar Raman shortly and I'll mention this to him. I doubt that KRUU have the time/human resources to do this (transcripts) so this will require external input.

Lemme see what I can *negotiate*.



To Bill and Bora,

I've been in touch again with Sundar. As expected, time/resource constraints are indeed an issue. That aside, Sundar said:-

"But I'll try to get transcription going by the end of the year. I definitely think it's a worthwhile thing."


By Graham Steel (not verified) on 16 Sep 2007 #permalink